Archive | Minister Travis Montgomery

Melvin Slade’s Gospel Music & Min. Travis Montgomery

Black Gospel Music and Word of God. Andrea McClurkin Mellini, Pastor Art McAllister, Travis Green and more  of your favorite gospel artists.   Minister Travis Montgomery from The People’s AME Zion Church in Palmdale speaks to us on Paying Attention.

Minister Travis Montgomery

Sermon: Pay Attention

The People’s AME Zion Church of Palmdale

3205 East Avenue S

Palmdale, CA 93550

United States


Kraj 100.9 FM Sunday 7AM to 9AM 

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Psalm 95:1 Come

Let us sing joy to the Lord.  Let us shout out loud to the Rock of our Salvation.

Posted in 4/2020, 8 to 9 AM, KRAJ, List of Speakers, Minister Travis Montgomery0 Comments

Melvin Slade’s Gospel & Min. Travis Montgomery

Black Gospel Music and Word of God.  Yolanda Adams, Anthony Brown and Group TherapyTodd Delaney feat. Nicole Harris  and more  of your favorite gospel artists.   Minister Travis Montgomery from The People’s AME Zion Church in Palmdale speaks to us on the importance of increasing your Faith.

Minister Travis Montgomery

Sermon: Growing in Faithfulness

The People’s AME Zion Church of Palmdale

3205 East Avenue S

Palmdale, CA 93550

United States

T (661) 227-4816

Posted in 3/2020, 8 to 9 AM, KRAJ, List of Speakers, Minister Travis Montgomery, Podcast by Date0 Comments

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